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Explore the Solutions
Select a Solution, and see how we can help..
1. Traffic Impact
Select -
Priority, Roundabout, Signals
Analyse performance -
LOS, Volumes, Queues, Delays
2. Access Control
Select -
Gatehouse, Toll Booth, Car Park Access
Analyse performance -
Capacities, Queues, Delays
3. Shopping Centres
Select -
Access Control, Circulation, Parking, Navigation
Analyse performance -
Capacities, Queues, Delays
6. Interchanges
Select -
Diamond, Centre Point, Diverging Diamond
Analyse performance -
Capacities, Queues, Delays
7. Passenger Transport Interchange
Select -
Operations, Passengers, Mixed Mode
Analyse performance -
LOS, Volumes, Queues, Delays
8. Pedestrians
Select -
Crossing conflicts, Urban Spaces, Evacuation, Queuing and Circulation
Analyse performance and space requirements
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